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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Earth Day: Leading the Realm to Melioration (*Late Post)

There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,
There is a rapture on the lonely shore,
There is society, where none intrudes,
By the deep sea, and music in its roar:
I love not man the less, but Nature more.
~George Gordon, Lord Byron,
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage

Year 2011 had started and as we had noticed, a lot of catastrophes banged this world. Some like earthquakes, tsunamis, and typhoons left so many scars not only to the victims but also to the whole humanity. Our vulnerable lives screamed through the harsh encounters that broke important resources into ashes. Most of our people who strived hard in working for these resources were hurled unexpectedly; leaving them with disastrous livelihood. We were horrified, shocked, and disparaged and breathed the air of hopelessness and disappointments. Nevertheless, we didn’t stop there. We tried our best to sew up and tie a better Earth again.

A lot of news circled through the first half of this year by media – radio, television, and even in internet. “Powerful quake, tsunami kills hundreds in Japan” “Philippines was welcomed by 2011 with catastrophes” “Global catastrophes – are they destruction?” ”Killer Tornadoes: Tales of Survival, Tragedy from Southeast Hit” – These are some of the mind-boggling news that alarmed almost all the countries in this planet. Different opinions with regards to environment had risen. All classes of people embarked something about caring for our Earth. Many of them uttered that we should be responsible individuals in order to save this world. On the contrary, words should equally be subjected to actions. The ultimate question is HOW?

Three words might encompass a solution for this tremendous predicament - RESPONSIBILITY, KNOWLEDGE, and UNITY. Let us first dwell into responsibilities. Almost all of us have tickling tongues when advising about the proper way to touch our environment. There are some who always speak righteously just to spread the so-called good deeds in order to save our planet. Much more, a number of people talk like they know everything about what is happening nowadays. Well, practice what you preach. We all have responsibilities that we should fulfil for the gifts God had given us. We should not only base everything we should do through speaking and extending sermons to the whole humanity. We must do; provide the actions. There is nothing wrong with trying to fit ourselves into the sphere of carrying out our responsibilities little by little. Let’s walk hand in hand for betterment.

Next is knowledge. Different discoveries and innovations pampered each of us for comfort or even lavishness to some. People are very good in creating something that can help people have an easy life. Regarding this knowledge, it really is important if we use it not only for our own sake but also for the good of our environment. Many innovators produce stuff that are new and tempting to the eyes; making people crave for these things for them to fit-in. Moreover, people’s knowledge should also craft something that can help the environment. Everyone should use their wit selflessly in moulding the surroundings into a haven of clean and productive paradise. Knowledge should not only be for being “in”, posh, or elite. It should also be a means of stepping into a new book of blissful Earth.

Last is unity. In this part, I would like to incorporate the highlight of this article – EARTH DAY. What really is Earth Day? Earth Day was held last April 22, 2011. This event aimed to increase the awareness and inspire billions of people to help Earth be green again. According to its history, Earth Day was started on April 22, 1970. From then on, it became a yearly tradition. Furthermore, annually, there were a lot of projects for this great moment. Crafts, recycling activities, and environmental games for kids were some. The own organization for Earth Day had managed to implement big schemes like greening schools and promoting environmental education, accelerating the global green economy, and the latest for the year 2011 is known as A Billion Acts of Green®. This latest project according to the org aimed to catalyze global environmental activism. A Billion Acts of Green®–the largest environmental service campaign in the world–inspires and rewards simple individual acts and larger organizational initiatives that further the goal of measurably reducing carbon emissions and supporting sustainability. The goal is to register one billion actions in advance of the global Earth Summit in Rio in 2012. ( Earth Day’s aim really is looking forward to have a better planet. This kind of event and/or organization is very helpful in opening the minds of each of us that now is the time to stand up and raise our hands in volunteering to clasp a new greener world. Also, it does not only pose stiffly but it moves and sways in every part of the world; helping and building something that could benefit the whole humanity. Consequentially, as I had said a while ago, there are things that should be considered in making this planet green as it can be. Earth Day is yes, indeed helpful but we, as individuals, should be the first to initiate changes. Let’s appreciate Earth Day but let’s bear in our minds that we, united as one, should be the means to take the first steps in creating a world full of improvement. Earth Day had already opened us. Let’s not break the tradition of giving the environment a greener place but rather take it as we go along to the bricks of Mother Earth’s melioration. J

“Every day is Earth Day.”

- Anonymous